Why Prince Philip of Serbia is bullish on Bitcoin (not crypto)

Published at: Sept. 7, 2022

Philip Karageorgevitch, Hereditary Prince of Serbia and Yugoslavia is a strong proponent of Bitcoin while he criticizes altcoins for being mere attempts to copy the original cryptocurrency. 

“People want to make fiat. They want to make money. And so they're going to use Bitcoin's technology, Bitcoin's ideas and try to make them their own and try to ride that fad”, he said in an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph.

Philip is convinced that Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that has the potential to fix one of the biggest problems affecting the world: the problem of money.

“The reason why the world's in such a terrible shape is because of the money. People think: "Yeah, money corrupts," but actually, no, money is corrupted itself and that needs to be changed”, he said. 

To understand more of Prince Philip's views on Bitcoin and crypto, watch the full interview on our YouTube channel and don’t forget to subscribe!

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