Nobel Prize news
Crypto users renew calls for Satoshi Nakamoto to win Nobel memorial prize for economics
Bitcoin enthusiasts on social media platforms have reiterated their annual petition to have the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel awarded to Satoshi Nakamoto. On Oct. 10, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced three recipients of the economic prize — former Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke, and U.S. economists Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig — for “research on banks and financial crises.” Many crypto enthusiasts have argued for years that the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin (BTC) was the most deserving candidate for the economic award, first instituted in 1968, “according to the same principles …
Business / Oct. 13, 2022
Economists debunk the banking system and win the Nobel Prize
Three economists were awarded the Nobel Prize in economic sciences on Oct. 10 for their discoveries which are said to have improved “how society deals with financial crises." Ben Bernanke, Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig conducted research on the economic role played by banks during times of financial crisis. According to the Nobel Prize Organization, this research included an important finding on why it is not only important but “vital” to avoid the collapse of banks. Tore Ellingsen, the chair of the committee for the prize in economic sciences, said that: “The laureates’ insights have improved our ability to avoid …
Decentralization / Oct. 11, 2022