Revolution news
Crypto, like railways, is among the world’s top innovations of the millennium
You are about to read a half-fiction witty story based on Stuart Hylton’s review of “the making of Modern Britain” and my interpretation of the blockchain’s impact on today’s world. I found it fascinating how the description of the industrial age front-runner technology resembled the awe and fear of blockchain in modern times. Some quotes are so relevant that changing the “railroad company” to “blockchain protocol” would give the same shilling. After several “bubbles” (actually eight so far) and some huge announcements — remember Libra and TON? — I figured it was a good time to coin (pun intended) the …
Adoption / May 8, 2022
Bitcoin’s Velvet Revolution: The overthrow of crony capitalism
If Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were somehow transported to the present day and given a newspaper, the apparent lack of class conflict would probably make the revolutionaries think they’d won. They would see a society split on all manner of subjects — from identity politics to the correct COVID-19 strategy — but virtually silent on the eternal struggle between labor and capital, the oppressors and the exploited. How different it would be if they’d returned just 10 years ago when the Occupy movement was in full swing, with tent cities springing up in protest against crony capitalism, corporate greed …
Adoption / May 7, 2022
Crypto will generate more wealth than the internet, says Morgan Creek Capital CEO
By laying the foundations of the Internet of Value, cryptocurrency and blockchain will generate more wealth than Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, said Mark Yusko, CEO of Morgan Creek Capital, in an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph. “We haven't even gotten to the parabolic growth part of Web 3, which is going to create untold wealth,” stated Yusko. In his career as a hedge fund manager, Yusko profited from investing in early internet technologies. He embraced cryptocurrency in 2017 after realizing their potential to power the Internet of Value — a new iteration of the internet that will allow users to …
Technology / Oct. 13, 2021