Stephan Tual news
Ethereum Announces Official Launch Date
Ethereum has announced the official release date of the first ‘Frontier’ version, and provided a specific ‘how to’ guide for setting up mining clients, clarifying some confusion about the release process. Liftoff Staying true to the decentralization ethos, the Ethereum team has elaborated on their ‘launch’ plan, which as they mentioned in a recent blog post, will be more of a grass roots emergence of the network rather than a ‘launch’ from a central point. In the blog post, Stephan Tual explained that “In the interest of decentralization and transparency, Ethereum will not provide the Genesis block as a download, …
Ethereum / July 28, 2015
Ethereum Prepares for Take Off
Ethereum, the decentralized application and smart contracting platform prepares to shoot the starting gun, as their Frontier release reaches 99% 98% completion. Miners, who have been waiting a year since the crowdfund, have begun sharpening their GPU pick axes. [Update: Another bug seems to have been added over night, bringing it back to 98%] Imagine a day when you want to go meet some friends for a drink. You pull out your iPhone 13, open the decentralized uber app, and using your preferred cryptocurrency, you pay for a smart cab. The vehicle has no steering wheel. It does not need …
Blockchain / July 20, 2015