Coin360 news
Tracker Offers One-Stop Shop for Easy Crypto Market Analysis
A website that delivers live cryptocurrency prices and market capitalizations in visual form has unveiled a suite of updates and new features. Coin360 displays the latest market movements for coins and tokens in proportionately sized blocks based on their market capitalizations. Every block shows the cryptocurrency’s ticker, current price and percentage change — and charts can also be accessed by hovering over the block. Colors illustrate when prices change: green when values have risen, red when they are in decline and gray when there is no movement. Users have the ability to analyze the market’s performance over a period of …
Altcoin / July 30, 2019
How to Predict Crypto Price Trends, Explained
Are there any tools that make analyzing market movements simpler? If staring at charts all day isn’t your scene, there are alternatives. As we mentioned earlier, our regular price analysis feature prepares charts for you and provides written context about what might have caused these movements. Of course, data can be interpreted in different ways, and no two analysts are the same, meaning each will pick up on trends based on their own research. Therefore, it’s a good idea to stay plugged into as much crypto news as possible to guarantee that you’re getting the bigger picture. Charts and articles …
Blockchain / March 15, 2019